“In Sergen abbiamo un sogno”
Un Team affiatato e coeso è il vero segreto di un’azienda di successo.
Foto del titolare Ciro Zanetti

Ciro Zanetti

Have you ever been convinced that you were acting in the best way, di aver fatto le scelte più coerenti alla situazione, per poi scoprire di you were simply in too much of a hurry?

Ho tantissimi ricordi d’infanzia legati a Sergen: l’the smell of solvent on my father's clothes when he came home, the summer vacation spent in production doing the little, the first allowances e l’orgoglio di averle guadagnate, la monotonia e come combatterla attraverso l’excellence, la responsabilità della propria mansione per l’balance of the team, awareness of all forms of waste, the madness and the wisdom hidden among the stories of colleagues I was experiencing as professional, but also life masters.

Then one day I conquer the helm, ambition fuels arrogance, and I become convinced that I have a coherent vision, new technologies are disrupting tradition, and I indulge the allure of novelty; the management style I have been taught is no longer consistent with the speed demanded by the market, I feel lonely, and I plunge into an identity crisis; I realize I must revolutionize the corporate culture , I espouse the idea of change but I must accept the fair value of time, my greatest enemy. I learn to slow down, rediscover the diversity of the individual, and a new dimension: the company no longer as a sterile tool of conquest, but as a collection of imperfect human beings who well coordinated can create priceless value. But globalization does not appreciate diversity, it fights it by separating individuals, discrediting all forms of real community, subverting uniqueness for standardization, so I discover my mission: to transform the company into a community of yesteryear, to value tradition, respecting technology but not being led by it, revaluing craftsmanship and the human contribution essential to the creation of beauty.

Today in Sergen we have a dream, restoring the screen printing tradition to its proper value and respect, educando ogni persona che ci vive al concetto di comunità.

Non è chiaro quando riusciremo a realizzarlo, ma già cominciando il cammino ci sentiamo protetti dalla ferocia del mondo, stiamo rediscovering common sense, and we start to transfer excellence in each action or result that involves us. We can start thinking again based on the universal rules of nature, not being intimidated by dogmas created by men, we will be free.

We are therefore free printers che desiderano rimettere l’uomo al centro per obtain beauty.

Anyone who wants to get to know us or be part of our project just needs to ask if they plan to be and then contact us.
